Monday, May 26, 2008

Lemon(lime)/LSD (poem found written in highschool while tripping)

The acid spews delicious
It's flavor jump from the pallet

Absorbed in paper and citrus
They hue my life
Flavors and realities

One an altered state.
The other alters taste.
The effect is striking,

Only in its similarity.
Cerebral changes emerge,
They are beaten back.

Only to renew its nascence.
So easy to forget,
Tastes and sensations.

This feeling,
Pleasurable, Indescribable.
Is it from a good meal, or the six tabs I swallowed?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

American Online Is a way of life to some.To others its paranoia,lies,crimes commited and people have died from association with other AOL users.The beautiful part of it coming about was similarity to the extension of free speech.Only AOL uses a method of communication like the life of the assless man,it comes upon,expierences,offers humiliation without exact description or reason.Articles written meant to hurt others and prey on their instabilitys and paraodys demonstrated as dangerous humour,that has taken previous life before from subscribers misreading AOLs idiocy to be bright and forthright.Sometimes AOL a tough, demanding, or uncompromising communication needs a final as in least definition for people who dont qualify for living.By ignorantly assuming even the Hibiscus is a nothing in social value.