Monday, June 2, 2008

Off the top of the dome (be kind about spelling as I had no spell check and am totally reliant)

Conversations I have with myself and others all the time. In free flow writing poetry edition

Word Vomit
If I don't spew something I might die
I will force these words

Uninspired dribble

Unintelligible, Unrelated

Worst of all unfeeling

Still, they are guided
they are forced to surface
They will not be drowned
their air was almost up.

That's it.
The build up of toxic gases killed it's reason
The nascence of a mush brained poem

I wanted to right this for so long
it would not be written.
It could not be righted.

I can't believe this is the poem I dreamt about. Fuck I'm such a loser.

I'm a liar, but this isn't a lie. I hope
Hi have we met?
My name's Max.
If we've met, I've lied to you

The compulsion propels

A viscous cycle
too sticky to escape

I tried being honest with people
it turned my interactions...

It grated my relationships.
People hated me
Narrator included.

I tried telling you. I'm dull,
I'm nervous,
I'm happiest when I'm alone,

It didn't matter.

you were only happy with me: aggressor.

I made bad jokes,
I spoke brusquely,
I was sexually aggressive with all the wrong girls.

I was emotional.
I was weird.
I was the center of attention.

This is the man I'm known as.
This is part of the man I am

I am my own actions,
I own my reality,

and yet

I am vacant.
I am lost.
I don't have a fucking clue how it ended this way. Why do I insist on making a fool of myself?

Oh yeah the pussy.

Floods and Droughts
Allow me to introduce myself
I am mustache Max
hiding something behind a thin vail
Like a gay man with... well... a mustache.
I am a creator of bad words, and a provocateur of hair brained schemes
I am the impetus behind an entire school of thought.
Maxian: Posturing is victory
Learned in the ways of savage beasts
I spit soap box philosophy Enlightening a minority
I will change your life

Or not

I'm really a self important loser with a big nose

I'm out of shape, and out of my mind

I don't know why people are impressed with me.

NOTICE to readers It's A Sham.

My confidence is so tied to others
not just their liking me,
but their agreance.
Tacit, or other. In my mythology

I am a legend, or I want to kill myself.

I just wish I had a middle speed.

I don't think anyone else does this (all assholes do this)
I am unique.
A precious, precocious snowflake.
No don't look that way,
I'm original.

My jokes? I came up with those
Oh you'd heard it before?


Why I use drugs
no lie.

Is That Right?
Her smooth skin glistens
a light sheen of sweet sweat upon my lips

The flow from the left foot
to the left hip
along her shapely side


Her right side buried
At peace

Her back rhythmically pumping
Up and down
Gentle reminders of her exhaustion

Lucky me.

Witness to sated beauty.

Her body tells me she wants to be held

I just want her to go

Please leave
I've got a lot of work to do tomorrow.
I really need a good nights sleep.

I stay silent.

I move to the couch.

Nice Blind Date is on.

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